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The German-French Young Leaders (GFYL) Programme is an interdisciplinary platform for the new dynamic German and French leaders of tomorrow. Founded in 2015, the programme targets young professionals with outstanding profiles who have been little or not at all affected by German-French relations. By doing so, the GFYL Programme integrates those high potential profiles into the French-German discourse and a powerful joint European future. In 2021, GFYL starts with new formats.  [more]

The 2018 Conference

The 2018 Conference

European Idea(l)s in a Changing World

Looking Forward

Looking Forward

Our Achievements and Future Plans

The 2017 Conference

The 2017 Conference

Crafting European Solutions - Commitment in Digital Ages

The 2016 Conference

The 2016 Conference

Common Digital Future

What the people say

"France and Germany have more in common than just our shared history. It is our aim to shape a joint future for our peoples - a future that will be much defined by the digital transformation. It therefore makes a lot of sense for France and Germany to work together across our national borders and follow a joint approach."

—  Sigmar Gabriel (Patron of GFYL Conference 2016, Former German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy)

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